Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Hello my lovelies.. I had the bestest time at my D&D!! Ya see.. This is how I normally go to work k.. My happeningly fashionable Cisco Recall dark blue polo tee with denim capris, no make up, greasy hair and to top it all off, glasses.Yes.. You can imagine the jaw dropping that happened when I walked into the office dressed like this.. *Points to side and below* Hahhaa.. It was kinda cool to see everyone's reactions to the sexy outfit as deemed by my colleagues.. And they just HAD to call me up to the stage to dance some bhangra music..Sigh.. Quite embarrasing to do it alone..But later the angmoh boss's wife came up to me on the dance floor and asked me to teach her how to shake her hips like mine... Hahahahhaa...I was like 'Errrmmmm"
Okie..Here we have a full length pic of me.. Extremely rare, I know. Now you can view how I really look instead of all the deceiving self-obsessed pics I take...Hehee..But I really liked my outfit..For once I was happy about how I looked in a sari.. Well..If you can call that a sari..Hehehe.. It was taken in my office so don't mind the background..It felt good shocking everyone like that..Hahaha.. And all the men who kept asking me to dance!! My goodness.. Quite superficial when ya think about it..The weekend was another clubbing weekend..Went to Gotham and Momo on Friday and Gotham on Saturday after the NUS show..I got to meet Ambi!! Hehehe..Went to help her with the sari and makeup.. I loved her blue sari..Though I'm really sorry the Gujerati style didnt turn out the way we wanted it to!Yes yes.. I still owe ya guys a huge ass KL post..I will get down to it once I'm done with my HR assignement..Which is due in..ohhh.. 4 days..Hehehe..
Renovation update: Well... After 1 week of what might look like something out of 'Survivor', the hall and kitchen finally have tiles.. Though we're all still surviving in one room..which is also stuffed with my sofa set and other random shit..Sigh..I was soooooo thankful to sleepover at Joanne's place over the weekend..Mmm..Warm water, comfy bed and yummy home cooked food!!
I know.. Its kinda sad...*Thinks of yummy lookin room at the end of it all* Okieee..No more complaining...Hmmm..I meant.. Not SO much complaining..
Okie..I gtg start my research now.. Till the next post..