Monday, January 03, 2005

So how's everyone's new year been?? Mine has been pretty good so far.. Today was the first day of school and I was pretty excited to see everyone and for everyone to see me!! Hahaha..

But what a headache the first day was...All the project details and such has started.. But we just have to push on forward... I think this sem, our groups will prob be more closer since we got to know quite a few people from other cliques... Sometimes being the only non-chinese may seem awkward, but my friends are all great and understanding. I love spending time with them..

Will be quite busy the next few days..But I will post with photos from NYE and so on soon...*crosses fingers*

P.S: Happy New Year Saras Babbbbeeeee.....We all miss ya here in Spore and you are a pig for not coming back!! Hahaha...

P.P.S: Interesting after school experience I will share with ya SOON... Involves my feet and another woman's hands!!
