Friday, October 08, 2004
Haha..I lurve UnkyMoods..They have soo many furnieeeeee moods..They even have Zen like and most importantly PMSy!! Again..I know I'm pretty late in discoverin all these..Hey..So sue me..
Today I did something which was totally hilarious and which also scared the bejeebers outta me.. I was happily drinking red bull in the morning and went to sit in my mum's room where my brother was STILL sleeping..Me not being happy that I had to get up at 8am to study, decided that no one else in the house should be sleeping if I was NOT..So I took my can of red bull (which was very cold) and placed it lightly on his ear.
No reaction....
So I placed it again...
Still no reaction..
Then as I was taking the can away...
Bam!!! He jerked up and his hand flew near my face and I DROPPED the can on his face!!
I was sooooo shocked that he woke up that I dropped the freakin FULL can of red bull and like half the contents went on the bed,his shirt and most of all...In his ear!!! hahahahaha...i couldnt stop laffing after I got over the initial shock.. My bro's not a morning person...NOT AT ALL! He's like a big ol' grizzly bear who grunts when he's asked a question in the morning..Like..'What do you want for breakfast??'... "Urrghhh"...'Prata??'... "Ummph'...
So I was soo afraid he was gonna start screaming at me..I ran out of the room..and only after i decided he thought sleep was more important than shouting at his extremely stressed OLDER sister...I came back and started laughing..
But he being the sarcastic shit he is.. Came out after his bath and asked my mum (who asked him a question)..."Ahhh wat?? Wat did ya say..I can't hear properly laa..Coz SOMEONE POURED RED BULL INTO MY EAR!!!" Hahahahahaha....Basket...
Okie back to the freakin books..