Friday, August 20, 2004

I asked my dad to get me Twirl...I even told him its a purple wrapper with yellow writing..T.W.I.R.L...

But he bought me....... TWIX!!!! I dun really like Twix..I prefer dairy milk choccie..without any interferences like nuts and other stuff!!! Hehe...But I was REALLLY in need of choccie..So i ate 1 piece and stole a few of my sis's M&M's...hhehee

I'm so proud of myself today..i could have stayed at home and slept whilst it was raining BUT I went to the gym before my 7pm HR class.. *Kisses herself* Wah liao...the HR class damn boring laa...I kept yawning and yawning...Didn't have Daf next to me to keep me occupied coz she had her chalet to be at...

Daf and I have weird similarities...We just met in July but I feel like we've known each other for so long...We share the same birthdate!! AND the same freakin anniversary!!! And her bf's super nice too and he's so sweet coz he helped us with one of our projects.. ;)

Sighz..I'm tired...and sleepy and I feel lost...I need my gals with me..I wanna go JE swimming complex and scream with them..i wanna go Starbucks and order raspberry fraps and talk for 5 hrs...I wanna go watch Tamil movies in Yishun and make fun of the movie with them.. i wanna go window shopping and try clothes at Chaos with them..i wanna go clubbing and have loads of fun with them...

